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Hassan Jafari

غلام حسن جعفری
مدل ارتفاعی خط برف مرز دائمی ایران و مقایسه ی آن با روش رایت
The estimate height of perpetual snow line on Iran and the comparison with Wright's method

Wright’s method is one of the most common methods used to determine the height of the permanent snow line in the Quaternary glacial Iranian researchers. In this approach the researcher must first determine the number and height of the glacial circus to topographic maps 1/50000 and calculate the cumulative percentage distribution of the circus in different heights, the elevation that 60 percent of its height above the circus as a permanent border, consider the height of the snow and a temperature of zero degrees Celsius during the glacial than that. Although this method is very desirable and functional, but usually glacial circus of detection and determination of a point on the topographic map to estimate the height of the circus depends on the thinking and the accuracy achieved. In this paper, using the variables affecting the height of the permanent snow line, such as latitude, temperature, and the slope of the land, relationships offer, it can help to estimate the height of the permanent snow line and the height of the burning method, be compared. Preliminary results indicate that the proposed method only uses the latitude and longitude of the location and direction of the slope (for the detection of climate stations) can easily be estimated by the height of the permanent snow line and other methods of long-burning and topographic maps are not required.



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