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Mohaddeseh Ebrahimi-Ghiri

Mohammad Nasehi, Elmira Sharaf-Dolgari, Mohaddeseh Ebrahimi-Ghiri, Mohammad-Reza Zarrindast
The hippocampal NMDA receptors may be involved in acquisition, but not expression of ACPA-induced place preference
رسپتورهای NMDA هیپوکامپی ممکن است در کسب اما نه در بیان CPP ناشی از ACPA دخالت نمایند.

Numerous studies have investigated the functional interactions between the endocannabinoid and glutamate system s in t he hippocampus. T he present study was made to t est w hether N-me thyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors of th e CA1 reg i on of the dor sal h ippoc amp us (CA1) a re implicated in ACP A (a selective c an nabinoid CB1 receptor a gon ist) -induc ed pla ce preferenc e. U sing a 3- day sched ule of conditioning, itwas f ound that intr aper itoneal ( i.p.) administration of ACPA (0.02 mg/kg) caused a signi ficant conditioned place preference (CPP) in male albino NM R I mice. Int ra -CA1 micro in ject i on of the NM DA or D- [1]-2 -a mino -7 -Ph o sp hon o h ep t an oic a cid ( D- AP7 , N MD A receptor antagonist) , failed to induce CPP or CPA ( condition place av er sion), while NMDA (0.5 μ g/mous e ) potentiated the ACPA (0.01 mg/kg)-induced CPP; and D-AP7 (a specifi c NMDA r ecep t or ant agoni s t; 0. 5 and 1 μ g/mouse) reversed the ACPA (0.02 mg/kg)-i nduc e d CP P. Moreo v er, micro inje ctio n o f d iff erent doses of glutamatergic agents on the testing day did not alter the expression of ACPA-induced place preference. N on e of th e t re at m e n ts , wi t h th e e x ce p ti o n of AC PA ( 0 . 0 4 m g /k g) , ha d a n e f f e ct o n l oc om ot o r a ct i v i ty . In conclusion, these observations provide evidence that glutamate NMDA receptors of the CA1 may be involved in the potentiation of ACPA rewarding properties in the acquisition, but not expression, of CPP in mice.



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