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Ramin Kiamehr* Associate Professor (1968, Orumieh, Iran, Married, One Daughter)
PhD Thesis Titled: Precise Gravimetric Geoid Model for Iran Based on GRACE and SRTM Data and the Least-Squares Modification of Stokes’ Formula: with Some Geodynamic Interpretations, Supervisor: Prof. L.E. Sjöberg, Royal Institute of Technology, Geodesy Division, Stockholm, Sweden, Faculty Opponent: Prof. Martin Vermeer, Evaluation Committee*: Prof. Margarita Petrovskaya, Prof. Christopher Talbot, Dr. Artu Ellmann.

M.Sc. Thesis Titled: " Testing The Iranian Gravimetric Geoid" (Abstract in PDF), Supervisor: Prof. Petr Vaníček (University of New Brunswick Canada).

Practical Experience and Positions
1986 - 1992, Ministry of Agriculture, Surveyor/ Director of Surveying Department, Tehran and West-Azebyjan state Organizations
1992 - 1993, National Cartographic Centre (NCC), Director of the West-Azerbaijan Surveying Centre.
1998 - 2002, General Director of Massir & Peymayesh Consulting Engineering Company.

Since Oct. 2009, Head of Department of Geography and Division of Geomatics
Since December 2008, Department of Geography
Since 2008, Head of Division of Surveying, Faculty of Engineering, Zanjan Azad University (ZAU).
1995-2008, Department of Surveying, Zanjan University, Positions: Head of the Department of Surveying, Director of the Educational Office and Vice Chancellor of Research of Engineering Faculty.
Since 1996, Instructor of the Department of Civil Engineering
1990-2002, Guest lecturer in Orumieh University, Alghadir Institute of Technology (Zanjan), Tehran Azad University (Science and Research Baranch), Tehran Azad University (South Unit), Tehran Railway College, Zamanpour Agricultural College (Tehran) and Sohravardy Agricultural College (Zanjan).
Since 2000, Holder of the International Official Licence for Teaching of Surveying (Iranian Technical Job Education Organization)
Since 2008, Joined researcher of the precise gravimetric geoid determination for Sweden (KTH and LM (Swedish Surveying Organization)

The following courses presented by Ramin Kiamehr in Iranian Universities:
- Teacher of the International workshop for Geoid determination, 10-21 Aug. 2008, Stockholm, Sweden
- Current courses:
- PhD: Advanced Physical Geodesy (KTH/Sweden),
- MSc: Application of Photogrammetry and RS in Transportation (AZU), Advanced Physical Geodesy (ZNU), Satellite Altimetry (ZNU), Seminar course (Hydrography, TAU), Geometrical Cartography (Hydrography, TAU), MSc thesis in Hydrography (supervisor), MSc thesis in Geophysics (Co-Supervisor)
- BSc: Physical Geodesy, Geodesy I and II, Astronomical Positioning, BSc thesis, Surveying Camp
- Taught courses: BSc: Engineering Surveying (1, 2), Surveying (Special courses for: Civil Engineering (1,2), Architecture, Geography (1,2) and Geology), Computer for Surveying, Road Location and Design, Photogrammetry (For Civil Engineers), Cartography