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Siamak Khademi

Mohadese Rezayi Vishesarayi, Siamak Khademi, GhasemNaeimi
Discrete Wigner function negativities for a general state of two-level systems
منفی¬های تابع توزیع ویگنر گسسته برای حالت عام یک سیستم دوترازه

The negativities of discrete Wigner function are widely studied by ¬authors. In this paper, the negativities of discrete Wigner function are studied for a general single-qubit (a two-level system). The Kenfack’s non-classicality indicator, Wehrl and Manfredi entropies are extended into the discrete phase space. A correspondence between a quantum mechanical quantity and the Kenfack non-classicality indicator is obtained. A similar behavior of the Wehrl entropy and the Kenfack non-classicality indicator is obtained. We show that the Wehrl entropy is more suitable than the Manfredi entropy, at least for the investigated system.



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