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Hossein Ali Hasaniha

Hasaniha Hossein Ali
Sub Surface Drip Irrigation System
سیستم آبیاری زیرزمینی

One of the options for increasing agricultural productivity per unit of water consumption, the use of new methods of irrigation such as drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is Includes two types of surface and subsurface drip irrigation. Sub surface drip irrigation water below the soil surface by emitting the application are included. Application efficiency of 90 percent, and the direction of irrigation method is very efficient. The capability of different irrigation methods among which may be mentioned the following. Removal of water vapor from ground level, high water use efficiency, the possibility of using low quality water, reduce the possibility of disease transmission to humans in wastewater, water and food materials distribution uniformity, increase fertilizer and herbicides use efficiency, allowing systems require relatively low pressure, relatively long lived system components. This method requires an aeration system to be when the system is turned off to prevent entry of mud infused into the dropper. Keywords: Sub Surface Drip Irrigation System, Dropper, Evaporation and Efficiency.



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