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Simin Hagh Nazari

بهروز نظری سیمین حق نظری مرضیه بلندی
سوکرالوز و امنیت غذایی
Sucralose and food immunity

Simple sugars are useful and digestible for healthy people, but for ill ones with metabolic diseases and such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, cause problems. That is why these patients are restricted for sweet products consumption. For solving these problems and also for restriction of energy receiving for fat people, a substitute material must be displaced. In this article, the advantage of using sucralose in Food, its history and the future face of this compound is investigated further for using in food products. Sucralose is made of chlorination of normal sugar and causing no calories, because the material is not digested by the body. FDA in 1998 after analyzing more than 110 research papers on the effects of sucralose on animal and human body, approved the use of sucralose in 15 items of foods (such as a tabletop sweetener, beverages, chewing gum, frozen dessert, fruit juice, gelatin). FDA (1999) authorizes the public use of sucralose in foods because the material neither degraded nor consumed by the body. Because sucralose is made from sucrose, it has normal taste like a sugar. Sucralose can be used also for the whole population, including pregnant women, nursing mothers and children in all ages.



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