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Seifpanahi Shabani Jabar

جبار سیف پناهی شعبانی، سارا  رشیدی رامهرمزی
تاثیر تمرین یوگا بر استرس شغلی و فرسودگی شغلی کارمندان زن
The effect of yoga training on job stress and job burnout in female employee

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of yoga practice on the occupational stress and burnout in female staff of Mahshahr University. In this study 28 females were available selected and randomly divided them into two groups: practicing yoga (n = 15) and controls (n = 13) groups. Group practice yoga practicing yoga for 3 days per week for 8 weeks (24 sessions) participated in the 8-week control group did not follow any exercise program, and only their normal daily activities. Before and after the eight weeks of job stress and burnout are using applied two standard questionnaire was used to measure job stress and burnout Ouyang. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to compare variables. The results showed that practicing yoga reduces stress, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and burnout in female staff is Mahshahr Branch (P <0.05) but no effect on the reduction of personal accomplishment these women (P> 0.05). Concludes that practicing yoga reduces stress and burnout in female staff Mahshahr Branch. So these workouts (yoga), in addition to reducing stress and burnout, leading to conserving and improving the health of women employees, And with a sense of freshness and pleasure of working with these women resulted in improving their performance in their respective areas and Finally, the University will probably increase performance.



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