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Hasan Rahmani

Rahmani, H., Ueckermann, E.A. and Borji, F.2011
First record of some families, genera and species of Trombidiformes mites (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Zanjan province.

During a survey (2006-2009) on the Trombidiformes mites of Zanjan province (North-west of Iran), some families, genera and species of Trombidiformes were collected. Samples were taken from trees, crops and weeds. After clearing the mites in the lactophenol, they were mounted using Hoyer's medium and then identified. After early identification, junior author confirmed the species. Total of 23 species, 18 genera and 9 families were identified. Among them 15 species, 13 genera and 6 families were as first record for Zanjan province which are signed by one asterisk (*). They are as follow: Tetranychidae: Bryobia rubrioculus, B. neopraetiosa*, B. praetiosa, Eotetranychus* populi*, Oligonychus*  unungius*, O. coniferarum*, Panonychus ulmi, Schizotetranychus* garmani*, Tetranychus urticae, T. turkestani*; Tenuipalpidae: Aegyptobia* ueckermanni*, Cenopalpus pulcher, C. lanceolatisetae*, C. irani, C. ruber, Tenuipalpus* granati*, T. daneshvari*; Stigmaeidae: Stigmaeus* elongatus*, Eustigmaeus* segnis*, Zetzellia mali; Anystidae*: Anystis* baccarum*; Raphignathidae*: Raphignathus* bakeri*; Iolinidae*: Pronematus* ubiquitus*; Ereynetidae*: Ereynetes* sp.; Nanorchestidae*: Nanorchestes* sp.; Eupodidae*: Eupodes* sp.



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