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Siamak Khademi

Farzaneh Rasti, Siamak Khademi and Parvin Sadeghi
Uncertainty Principle in Phase Space Quantum Mechanics, Applying theWigner Distribution Function of Squeezed Number States  
Uncertainty Principle in Phase Space Quantum Mechanics, Applying theWigner Distribution Function of Squeezed Number States  

Uncertainty principle between two observable quantities in quantum mechanics is the reason of their non-simultaneous measurability. Uncertainty principle has long been investigated and developed in a variety of representations. However, in many textbooks (see Modern Quantum Mechanics, J.J. Sakurai) the anti-commutation part of uncertainty principle is eliminated due to have more stronger non-equality in it.  By investigating the uncertainty principle in phase space quantum mechanics in Wigner representation for the squeezed number states we find that this anti-commutation  part is in general non-negligible, at least for squeezed number states.    



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