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Saeed Ghanbari

Saeed Ghanbari, P. Blair Blakie, Peter Hannaford, and Tien D. Kieu
Superfluid to Mott insulator quantum phase transition in a 2D permanent magnetic lattice
 گذار فاز کوانتومی از ابرشاره به نارسانای مات در یک شبکه ی مغناطیسی دایمی دوبعدی 

 The accessibility of the critical parameters for the superfluid to Mott insulator quantum phase transition in a 2D permanent magnetic lattice is investigated. We determine the hopping matrix element J, the on-site interaction U, and hence the ratio J/U, in the harmonic oscillator wave function approximation. We show that for a range of realistic parameters the critical values of J/U, predicted by different methods for the Bose-Hubbard model in 2D, such as mean field theory and Monte Carlo simulations, are accessible in a 2D permanent magnetic lattice. The calculations are performed for a 2D permanent magnetic lattice created by two crossed arrays of parallel rectangular magnets plus a bias magnetic field.



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