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Siamak Khademi

Siamak Khademi, Ghasem Naeimi, Ozra Heibati
A Simple Scheme for Generation of N-Qubits Entangled Stated
روشی ساده برای تولید حالت درهمتنیده کیوبیتی N گانه

Generation and manipulation of multi-qubits or multi-partite entangled states are cornerstones of manufacturing quantum computers and developing quantum information. In this paper, we develop a new scheme for the generation of a multi-partite maximally entangled state generation. This method has less limitation and is simpler than the previous ones. It is based on the interactions of a chain of Rydberg Rubidium atoms with an array of five high quality cavities, including four classical and one quantum cavity in the middle.



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