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Mohammad Bagheri

محمد باقری، حمید رضا عظمتی
فضاي كالبدي به مثابه برنامه درسي(پرورش خلاقيت كودكان در محيط مدرسه)
Architectural Space as Educational Curriculum(Improving Children's Creativity in School Environment)

The aim of this study is to identify the principles and criteria to improve children's environmental creativity by school architecture and landscape design. With a creative educational point of view, some of the design principles such as 1)accessibility, 2)interest,3)environmental responsiveness,4)comfort and safety, 5)biophilia and landscaping and  6)legibility can improve the environmental quality  in school architecture. The affordances of floors, doors, furniture and interior design, landscape of open spaces and increasing the children's participation can leads to smart public spaces in the school environment to physical,mental and spiritual creativity.



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