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Jafar Ghazanfarian

Mohammad Jamshidi, Jafar Ghazanfarian
Dual-Phase-Lag Analysis of CNT-MoS2-ZrO2-SiO2-Si Nano-Transistor and Arteriole in Multi-Layered Skin

The numerical simulation of non-Fourier dual-phase-lag heat conduction in three-dimensional bio and nano media has been investigated with two developed solvers using the OpenFOAM C++ finite-volume libraries. Despite the rapid growth in the use of non-Fourier heat transfer model, most researchers conduct simulations over simple geometries due to numerical restrictions. The developed solvers have been verified for four benchmark cases. After that, two complex geometries have been selected to show the accuracy of the solvers for complicated geometries. The first case is the temperature distribution in the human hand skin in the presence of a circular arteriole, while the second case is the thermal analysis of a newly constructed CNT–MoS2 transistor with 1 nm gate length. Both cases are multilayered structures with curved boundaries. The computed temperature rises in the blood vessel and in the transistor are 63°C after 15 s and 16 °C after 10 ps, respectively. It is found that considering the temperature-dependent electrical properties of ZrO2 and CNT is essential to present an accurate mathematical model.



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