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Masoud Arghavani

Soltani, F.; Kashi, A.; Arghavani, M.
Effect of magnetic field on Asparagus officinalis L. seed germination and seedling growth

The radiation spectrum consists partly of visual light and partly of invisible electromagnetic waves. It is well-known that radiation of various wavelengths influences the growth of plants and other organisms in various ways. The earth magnetic field influences the movement and absorption of elements. The effect of magnetic forces on asparagus seed germination and seedling growth was studied. The experiment included four treatments, two concentrations of potassium nitrate (2g/L and 3 g/L) combined with magnetic field and a control. A completely randomized design with 3 replications was used. Results showed that in a magnetic field asparagus seeds imbibed and germinated more rapidly. Seed germination percentage and epicotyl and hypocotyl lengths were also significantly higher than without the influence of a magnetic field. The magnetic field also changed the direction of radicle growth. This behavior confirms the effect of earth magnetic forces on root orientation and root growth. Also lateral root initiation and growth rate were significantly different in a magnetic field.



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