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The agreement with university of pristina
The agreement between the university of zanjan and the university of pristina

The agreement between the university of zanjan and the university of pristina

An agreement was signed between the university of zanjan and the university of pristina, Serbia. Through this agreement the cooperation in the area of scientific research and academic teaching was Stabilized. The University of Pristina was founded on 18 November 1969. At that point, according to legal requirements, the University established courses in the Serbian as well as the Albanian language. Currently, there are nearly 10.000 students and 900 academic and administrative staff. There are Faculty of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,  Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law ,Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics ,Faculty of Teacher Training ,Faculty of Physical Culture,Faculty of Arts ,Faculty of Economy ,Faculty of Philosophy that accept student in different fields.

Date: 2018-12-26 13:39:24