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Seyed Ahmad Lajevardi

لاجوردی، صارمی
بررسي سينتيکي تبلور در آلياژ آمورف Fe55Cr18Mo7B16C4
Kinetic investigation of crystallization in Fe55Cr18Mo7B16C4 amorphous alloy

For kinetic investigation and obtain crystallization kinetic variables in Fe55Cr18Mo7B16C4 amorphous alloy were used from differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) test result and by Kissinger and Matusita Models. Amorphous ribbons were produced from ingot casting by melt spinning method. Crystallization and growth mechanisms of these ribbons were investigated using DSC tests in four different heating rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 k/min). There were observed two exothermic peaks that represent two-step crystallization including first step crystallization and two step crystallization in this alloy. According to Kissinger model, the activation energies for the first and second steps of crystallization were 310 (kJ/mol) and 510(kJ/mol), respectively. For investigation of growth mechanism in non-isothermal crystallization Matusita Model were used. A two-dimensional diffusion controlled mechanism with constant nucleation rate was observed in the alloy by Matusita model.



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