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Seyede Yalda Torabi

Oraizi, Homayoon , Torabi, Yalda
Novel application of a new metamaterial complementary electric LC resonator for the design of miniaturized sharp band‐pass filters

In this article, we introduce a new metamaterial complementary electric LC resonator (CELC) and investigate its operational mechanism, characteristics, and potentialities for application in microwave components and devices, such as filters. We consider the excitation of CELC by the electric and magnetic fields of microstrip lines and its resonance characteristics by the diagrams of effective permittivity (εeff) and permeability (μeff). A circuit model is obtained by the consideration of its coupling with the loaded microstrip line. We then realize a novel left-handed (LH) cell by the combination of the CELC resonator and a short circuited stub. It is designed by the least mean square method. We finally use the cascade connection of such LH cells for the design of a miniaturized narrow-band band-pass filter with high out of band rejection.



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