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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

محسن احدنژاد روشتی، حیدر صالحی
ارزیابی توزیع فضایی زیرساخت های گردشگری و تعیین نقش فرایندهای اقتصادی – سیاسی و رشد فیزیکی شهرها در شکل گیری آن( مطالعه موردی شهر زنجان)
The Assessment of spatial patterns of tourism infrastructure and determine economic - political and physical development processes of cities on forming and changes (Case Study Zanjan 1984-2012)

Secondary elements of tourism services and facilities are included that are necessary for the welfare of tourists and their distribution in the city, led to the formation of space tourism. Therefore reorganization of spatial patterns of tourism elements' is first step for urban tourism planning. Based on this research with analytical and systemic methods and especially views on geographic school and the geographic perspective has been assessment on spatial patterns of secondary tourism elements in Zanjan city and its changes on during 1984-2012 and determined of different process in forming and changes in urban space. For this propose first at all using GPS the location of each elements in Zanjan city has been determined and then using nearest neighborhood model spatial pattern of tourism elements recognized. The results of this model showed that changes on spatial pattern of tourism elements in over time. Therefore, to determine of this change causes with analyzing satellite images in 1984, 2000 and 2012 physical growth of Zanjan city were assessment. The results shows very high physical growth in recently decades So that the area of built-up lands in 2012 with 92% growths shows 4,764 hectares area for Zanjan city. This led to the formation of new tourism elements in new fabrics and away from the central parts of city. In the final steps in order to reorganization of this currents reasons ANP model has been used that results of this model shows that public costs with 0.38 efficiency rate is important index and land prices with 0.49 as sub criteria in important factors in allocation of tourism elements in recently years.  



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