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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

شاهرخ زادولی خواجه ؛  اکبر اصغری زمانی؛  محسن احدنژاد
بررسی الگوی تطبیقی گسترش نابرابری های اجتماعی در مناطق حاشیه نشین شمال شهر تبریز طی بازه ی زمانی 85-1375
Adaptive pattern of social inequalities in marginalized areas in the northern city of Tabriz, during the interval of 1996-2006

Marginalization in Iran, like many developing countries, a manifestation of the growing spatial inequalities in cities. This location, in the city of Tabriz - as one of the metropolitan cities - with increasing speed increases. Thus, identifying deficiencies and shortcomings in marginalized areas is unavoidable. According to the analysis of spatial inequalities in marginalized urban areas, this study aimed to analyze the distribution of social inequality and showing gestures to the inequity of the geographical margins of the text or rather marginalized in the northern city of Tabriz. The study was used applied a descriptive, analytical and comparative model of factor analysis in SPSS software. In this study, 15 social indicators to become in 1375 the four factors combined and three of in 1385 and the results of the factor analysis model for evaluating utilization of social inequality has been used. Based on the preliminary findings of the 2090 Block 1375 36 Block 73/1 percent very favorable, 311 Block is equivalent to 1/10 of the optimum, 1312 Blocks of 76/62 percent state average, the equivalent of 412 Block 71/19 percent unfavorable and 119 blocks of 6/5 percent are considered very undesirable. Based on the preliminary findings of the study area in 1385 in the 2116 block of 71 blocks of 35/3% of very good, 1031 block of 73/48 percent favorable, 816 block of 56/38 percent state average, the equivalent of 153 Block 23/7 percent unfavorable and 45 blocks of 13/2 percent very poor, are known. Statistics indicate that there are social indicators in the study area from 1996 to 2006 there has been a qualitative improvement. Including procedures to improve these indicators can be the ground for women's participation in various activities socio - economic cited And vocational training for immigrants.



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