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Davood Rezaei

Saeideh Soltanmohammadlo Davood arezaei Sharzad Aalamemi
Creating A Pedestrian Way, Mechanism to Keep the Historical Urban Texture
ایجاد پیاده راه ، مکانیزمی برای حفاظت بافت تاریخی شهر

ABSTRACT  In recent decades, the ways is produces to solve the troubles of the modern city and reconcile with traditional spaces for the desirable design of city. The methods preference, was motion of pedestrian and the achievements of pedestrian movement, and make the pedestrian way. Social interactions needs to walk and the presence of people, city pedestrian ways are the specific areas of this order. Move freely without risk of motor vehicle accident on these ways and cars entrances forbidden unless in emergency situations, such as fire car is common features of the spaces. Urban pedestrian walkways can be presents place for children plays, the elderly comfort, leisure and appointments. Tabriz is one of the leading cities of this urban plan, tarbiyat, ostadShahryar pedestrian ways are the success samples of this plan. This article investigated this method of urban planning and its origins, experiences of Tabriz pedestrian ways and then are examined that on a case study, Stone Stores pass in Tabriz. The research was the analytic type, in first step the information gathered with library source and then with presence in the case study place. After information collecting on definition and characteristics of the pedestrian ways, these concepts used for design in a stone pedestrian. Urban physical elements, identify and perspective of perspective, the application of modern facilities, achievements and adversity of these ways are other topics that concluded in this article.  Keywords Old Urban Texture; Tabriz; Urban Spaces; Urban Pedestrian Ways. 



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