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Reza Teymoori Faal

مصطفی آری رضا تیموری فعال
Passive vibration suppression of plate using multiple optimal dynamic vibration absorbers
فرونشانی ارتعاشات غیر فعال ورق با استفاده از جاذبعای ارتعاشی دینامیکی بهینه

In the present paper, the optimization problem of the dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) for suppressing vibrations in thin plates within the wide frequency band is investigated. It is considered that the plate has simply supported edges and is subjected to a concentrated harmonic force. The vibration suppression is accomplished by the implementation of multiple mass–spring absorbers in order to minimize the plate deflection at the natural frequencies of the plate without absorbers. The governing equations of the plate equipped with DVAs for both isotropic and FG plates are derived and solved numerically and analytically. The formulation of the problem is capable of optimizing the L2 norm of the plate deflection at the wide frequency band with respect to mass, stiffness and position of each absorber attachment point. In this study, the possibility of simultaneous absorption of one or multiple natural frequencies of the plate without any absorbers is also studied. Some numerical results are also presented.



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