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Saleh Mobayen

Rahmani, R., Mobayen, S.
Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Bilateral Teleoperation System Based on  Backstepping Fuzzy Adaptive Approach
Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Bilateral Teleoperation System Based on  Backstepping Fuzzy Adaptive Approach

The most important challenge in the bilateral teleoperation systems is to achieve the operator's true sense of the environment and guarantee the stability of the system. Until now, various approaches have been developed to design such systems in which the passivity condition for environmental forces and operators have been used to prove the stability of the Lyapunov function. These conditions can impose serious restrictions, especially in the field of medical applications on teleoperation systems. The existence of time-varying delay in the master-slave communication channel and also uncertainties (external disturbances and un-modeled dynamics), which sometimes may destabilize the control system, are important factors and underlie in attracting researchers attention. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a robust backstepping fuzzy adaptive controller for the control of uncertain nonlinear bilateral teleoperation system in the presence of time delay and parametric uncertainty. The stability analysis is based on Lyapunov and the simulation results demonstrate the success of the proposed method in achieving the control goals.



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