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jalal bazargan

1- Jalal Bazargan 2- Hamed Zamanisabzi
Application of New Defined Dimensionless Number for Analysis of Laminar, Transitional and Turbulent Flow through Rock-fill Materials

Flow through rock-fill material can be classified as laminar, transitional and turbulent. Forchheimer model that is derived using dimensional analysis and NavierStokes equations has acceptable accuracy for all three types of flow. A number of researchers presented their models based on different models of Reynolds Number and Darcy-Weisbach friction coefficient. While in perfect turbulent flow, the effect of Reynolds number on Darcy Weisbach coefficient is negligible, and, the effect of Reynolds number in all these models is only significant on laminar type flow and to some extend in transitional type flow. In all the above mentioned models the flow is based on physical properties of rock-fill materials. But, at the present work a new model is being presented which can be used for analyzing triplet flow types through rock fill materials. This model is based on a new dimensionless number which will be described below.  



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