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dariush Salimi

وحید سلمانی ،محمد طاهر هرکی نژاد ، معصومه صالح، مراد پاشا اسکندری نسب، داریوش سلیمی 
ارزیابی ارتباط چندشکلی ژن FTO با صفات لاشه و فراسنجه‌های خونی در بره‌های آمیخته افشاری-برولا مرینو
Evaluation of the Association of Polymorphism in FTO Gene with Carcass Traits and Blood Parameters in Afshari× Booroola Merino cross lambs

FTO gene is a transcription factor in genes associated with synthesize of lipids. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between polymorphism in fourth and ninth exons of FTO gene with carcass traits. To do that, 97 male cross lambs (Afshari × Booroola Merino) of almost the same age were used. Blood samples were taken from all animals for DNA extraction and blood parameters were measured. Primers pairs for fourth exon and ninth exon were designed based on DNA sequences available for cow; the lengths of the target DNA were 518 and 468 bp respectively. Polymorphism in this area was identified using amplification of target DNA by PCR. Conformational differences were studied by denaturation and monitoring of the PCR products using SSCP technique and loading on 10 % acrylamide gel. In the fourth exon, three genotypes namely AB, AA and AC and in the ninth exon area two genotypes, DD and DE were observed. There was no significance difference observed between these genotypes in terms of carcass traits and blood parameters. Although in other species except sheep there is a relationship between allel of this gene and fat and obesity traits but was not found any relationship in studied area of this gene with fat traits, birth weight and weight before slaughter in sheep. However, to have a better conclusion about this gene and it’s relation with fat content of carcass in sheep further study with large number of samples and on other parts of this gene is necessary



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