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Hamid Nadjari

Hadi Movahedinejad, Hamid Nadjari, A.H.Farahbod
Nanoparticle-Laser Interaction: Computation of Size Reduction and Thermal Conductance at Solid-Vapor Interface

Laser interaction with a water-immersed metal nanoparticle can bring about a condition such that a bubble is generated and the nanoparticle is evaporated. This phenomenon is strongly dependent on the laser parameters and the nanoparticle size. In this study, we simulate the behavior of a gold nanoparticle and its surrounding medium during interaction with a nanosecond-pulsed laser by considering nanoparticle size reduction, variations in the nanoparticle absorption cross section, and variations in thermal conductance at the nanoparticle–bubble interface. Results show that the bubble dynamics under a low-energy and long-pulse-width laser (so that it does not cause evaporation) strongly depends on the nanoparticle temperature behavior, while under higher laser energy, it is dependent on the amount of nanoparticle size reduction. Moreover, by comparing the nanoparticle thermal behavior with experimental data, we are able to estimate the thermal conductance at the nanoparticle–bubble interface. This simulation not only leads to nanoparticle size control but also helps in understanding the heat transfer processes at nanoscale.



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