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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

Ebrahim Sharifzadeh Aghdam, Barat Ali Khakpoor, Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty
An analysis of the effects of the city physical development on urban environmental sustainability: A case study of Piranshahr city, Iran

The present study is aimed at investigating the spatial-temporal patterns and processes of urban development of Piranshahr city, Iran, from 1984 to 2025 by using satellite remote sensing images, spatial metrics, and Micmac scenario. Scenario techniques with partial contribution to Integrated Management in the city are examined and spatial analysis is performed on the satellite map in question using Indris in several different courses so as to estimate the role of these criteria in the physical development of the city and its instability. In fact, the present study applies the changes in agricultural land use of Shinabad in order to test the hypothesis as in the following: the annexation of an area can be influenced by the physical growth of urban spaces in Piranshahr. The findings indicate that although Shinabad has been joined to the city, it is one of the regions suffering from irregular expansion and inconsistent distribution of population due to successive migrations during the last decades.



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