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Nasrollah Abbassi

عباسی و کاظم زاده شعاعی و قربانی دهنوی
Jurassic dinosaur tracks from Dashtekhak area, north Zarand, Kerman province, central Iran
ردپاي دایناسورهاي ژوراسیک منطقه دشت خاك، شمال زرند، استان کرمان، ایران مرکزي

Twenty-eight dinosaur footprints have been found on the bedding planes of a dislocated slab (95 × 58 cm) from the Jurassic sediments of Dashtkhak area, north Zarand, Kerman, central Iran. These footprints were classified in three size categories: a) small tridactyl theropod footprints, preserved as convex hyporelief as Toyamasauripus masuiae, b) Grallator footprints related to large tridactyl theropods, and c) tetrapod small trackway, which made by dinosaur with tridactyl in either pes or manus and long tail.



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