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Ramin MohammadKhani

Gh. Hassanloo and R. Mohammadkhani
ٍEffect of  Rashba ‎spin-orbit ‎coupling  on the conductance in a two-dimensional electron ga‎s/p-wave superconductor junction
اثر برهمکنش اسپین-مدار راشبا روی رسانایی در اتصال گاز الکترونی دوبعدی/ابررسانای موج پی

We consider a two dimensional electron gas/ p-wave superconductor ballistic junction and study the conductance in the presence of Rashba Spin-Orbit coupling (RSOC) both at the interface and in the normal region. Solving Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation and using Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formalism, we obtain transmission and reflection coefficients and hence calculate the conductance in terms of RSOC and the height of barrier. Results show that the conductance peaks are shifted to a nonzero bias by ihterface RSOC. We also show that the RSOC of the normal layer can not change the location of the conductance peaks.



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