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Seyed Najmmaddin Mortazavi

ژاله اوجاقی 1*، سید نجم الدین مرتضوي 2، زهرا باقري تیرتاشی
 بررسی تاثیر زمانهاي مختلف محلولپاشی بنزیل آدنین بر خصوصیات پس از برداشت گل بریده آلسترومریا (رقم
Effect of Spraying Benzyladenin in Preharvest on Longvity and Quality of Alstroemeriacut cut Flower (cv.fuji)

Abstract This research was carried out to determine quality and longevity of Alstromereria cv fuji cut flowers. In the experiment Alstroemeria plants were sprayed with BA at four levels ( ٠, ٢٠, ٤٠ and ٦٠mg/l) at three growth stage (١, ٧ and ١٤ days preharvest) in three replicate samples were used per treatments and data were arranged in completely randomized design. Some parameters such as longevity, appearance quality, solution uptake, chlorophyll contents and relative water content (RWC) were measured. Statistical analysis was performed using mstatc software. BA significantly increased postharvest longevity, appearance quality in Alstroemeria cut flowers. Treatment with ٦٠ mg/l BA a day preharvest was more effective in longevity, appearance quality, solution uptake, chlorophyll contents and relative water content (RWC). The results showed that there were no significant (p< ٠/٠٠٥) difference between BA ٤٠ and ٦٠ mg/l.the best treatment in this regards was a day preharvest. The obtained results indicate treatments ٤٠ and ٦٠ mg/l BA a day preharvest had the greatest effect longevity, appearance quality, solution uptake, chlorophyll contents and relative water content (RWC). Keywords: Alstroemeria , Preharvest, Spray



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