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Seyed Najmmaddin Mortazavi

مينا بياناتي 1، داريوش داودي 2 ، سيد نجم الدين مرتضوي 3 و مريم جعفرخاني كرماني
بهينه سازي تكثير انبوه رز هيبريد رقم بلك باكارا
Optimization of mass propagation of Rosa hybrid cv. Black baccarat Mina Bayanati1, , Dariush Davoodi2 Seyyed najmedin Mortazavi3and Maryam Jafarkhani

Abstract: Roses are the most economically important flowers in the world .Today in Iran is comming in vitro culture for production of large- scale genetically uniform plants and disease- free .In the present investigation, the objectives were to optimize the micropropagation of black baccarat cultivar. In proliferation step nodal segments were cultured in liquid and solid MS,VS and WPM mediums. For rooting, three concentrations of VS mineral salts (full-, half-, and quarter-strength) containing NAA (0.5 μM) were tested in semi-solid and liquid media. The results showed that the liquid VS medium whit 2μM BAP was the best for propagation of black baccara and the highest number of roots were observed in semi-solid 1/4 VS medium. Key words: Proliferation, Rooting and Rosa hybrida



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