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Mohammad Sadegh Falahat

 Mohammad Sadegh Falahat, Sargol Toufani, Ghazal Soltani  
Visual Thinking and its role on making Creativeness in the Architectural Design Process  

When an architect decides to create a work until to be ready to run the project, many events including the production of innovative ideas into products and architectural design occurs. Architecture design is defined as the creation and, in this context; creativity - that is creation axis - will be the most important luggage of architect. Strengthen the mind and to open the valves of imagination of an architect, it is essential, and the concepts underlying the need for objective and subjective form of development and need special tools to their profession, are embodied in the outside world. Reducing the gap between mind and hand of the architect to quickly understand and can be transferred onto the paper to enhance the mastery of mind and consequently help to increase the degree of creativity. One of the things that will help to strengthen the intellectual underpinnings, sketches like that away from any sense, in line with the mental structure and in communication with the outside world can be traced. Indeed sketches and conceptual models raise the processing capacity of the mind. Sketches graphics can be considered a kind of drawing thinking that have an important role in the creative process and design information recording and the designer deals with himself. According to the research-based theories that have been placed on evaluating the overall architectural design process, it is necessary to break the surface to some steps, such as creative design process, and how to strengthen and advance their cause. This research is to explore creativity in architectural design would strengthen the position of graphical thinking.  



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