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Farhad Bayat

M.A. Mohammadkhani, Farhad Bayat, A.A. Jalali
Design of explicit model predictive control for constrained linear systems with disturbances

On-line model predictive control approaches require the online solution of an optimization problem. In contrast, the explicit model predictive control moves major part of computation offline. Therefore, eMPC enables one to implement a MPC in real time for wide range of fast systems. The eMPC approach requires the exact system model and results a piecewise affine control law defined on a polyhedral partition in the state space. As an important limitation, disturbances may reduce performance of the explicit model predictive control. This paper presents efficient approach for handling the problem of using eMPC for constrained systems with disturbances. It proposes an approach to improve performance of the closed loop system by designing a suitable state and disturbance estimator. Conditions for observability of the disturbances are considered and it is depicted that applying the disturbance's estimation leads to rejection of the response error. It is also shown that the proposed approach prevents the reduction of feasible space. Simulation results illustrate the advantages of this approach.



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