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Nasrollah Abbassi

Uchman, A., Abbassi, N., Naeiji, M.R.
Persichnus igen. Nov. and associated ichnofossils from the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene deep-sea deposites of the Sanandaj area, West Iran. 
Persichnus igen. Nov. . و اثرفسیل های همراه از نهشته های درای عمیق کرتاسه بالایی تا ائوسن ناحیه سنندج غرب ایران

Persichnus igen. nov. is a replacement name for Acanthus Grossheim 1946. The type and only known ichnospecies of Persichnus is P. dodecimanus (Grossheim, 1946) (new combination), which occurs among trace fossils of the Nereites ichnofacies in the Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene deposits of west Iran. The new ichnogenus is interpreted as a graphoglyptid burrow. Associated trace fossils include Cosmorhaphe lobata, Paleodictyon majus, cf. Planolites beverleyensis, Scolicia strozzii, Scolicia isp., Spirophycus bicornis, Squamodictyon isp. and Treptichnus isp.



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