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Hossein Asakereh

عساكره حسين, تركاراني فاطمه, اشرفي سعيده
پهنه بندي احتمال شرطي حالات بارش به شرط حالات دمايي در ايران زمين
Classification of Conditional Probability of Precipitation Providing to Temperature Conditions in Iran

The stochastic outcomes and phenomenon of climate are the reason to use probability sciences in climatology. Interactions of most of climatic phenomenon as well as justify them are very acceptable based on probability technique. Accordingly it is useful in environmental management and planning. A conditional probability is the probability of an event given that another event has occurred; e.g. let A and B be two events the probability of B given that A has occurred is Conditional Probability of A providing to B has occurred. In this paper conditional probability of precipitation providing to temperature in Iran has been studied. Accordingly the daily precipitation and precipitation of Esfezary data base are used. At last based on Euclidean Distance and Ward methods, the cluster analyses have been applied. The accomplishment result shows three class of conditional probability; North, Central and southern. Due to characters of conditional probability every class has been divided in to subclasses. Every classes and subclasses shows the mechanism domain on. Keywords: Conditional Probability, Cluster Analyses, Classification, Precipitation and Temperature Conditions,



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