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Abbas Rabiee

S. Nikkhah, A. Rabiee, S. M. Mohseni-Bonab, I. Kamwa  
Risk averse energy management strategy in the presence of distributed energy resources considering distribution network reconfiguration: an information gap decision theory approach

Distributed energy resources (DERs) and distribution network reconfiguration have considerable effects on both the economic and operational performance of distribution networks. However, the uncertain nature of renewable energy sources (RESs), wind energy, for instance, can bring about serious challenges to the distribution system operators and distribution companies (DisCos). Therefore, a suitable methodology is a matter of the utmost importance to handle the uncertainty of RESs. In addition, DisCos can benefit from the utilisation of energy storage technologies to increase the penetration of RESs into the system. In this regard, this study proposes a risk-averse energy management strategy (RA-EMS) in the presence of DERs, while the impact of uncertainties of RESs on the optimal configuration of the network is investigated. The uncertainty of RESs is modelled through the information gap decision theory, which has significant advantages such as low computational burden, no need for probability density function, and exact results compared to other methodologies for uncertainty handling. The proposed RA-EMS model is implemented on the IEEE 33-bus distribution system, and its superiority over the scenario-based stochastic programming is demonstrated. The robust configuration of the system against RESs’ uncertainty is obtained for different levels of uncertainty radius.  



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