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Vahid Rashtchi

Vahid Rashtchi; Amir. Ghasemian
Efficiency Optimization of Induction Motor Drive using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization

This paper presents a method for optimization of an inverter-driven Induction Motor (IM) using a modified Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The maximum efficiency of the motor is obtained by finding and exerting optimal output frequency and voltage of the drive, at any operating point. The optimal amplitude and frequency of the excitation voltage are found using a modified PSO algorithm. The proposed modification of the PSO algorithm improves the convergence speed of PSO algorithm. In the proposed method multiple global best particles are selected from the swarm. The simulation results show that Multi-Best Particle Swarm Optimization (MBPSO), compared with the traditional PSO, converges faster, and in a same operation time achieves to a more accurate approximation of the solution.



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