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Abbas Ghayebloo

Arian Afrabandpey, Abbas Ghayebloo
A Concept Vehicle with Cylinder Deactivation and Continuously Variable Transmission Compared with THS-II Hybrid Powertrain
A Concept Vehicle with Cylinder Deactivation and Continuously Variable Transmission Compared with THS-II Hybrid Powertrain

The Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) which known as the most promising vehicular solutions in the future, combine the benefits of internal combustion engines and electric motors by operating in the optimal operation range. In these vehicles, the engine is sized to operate at near its maximum fuel efficiency as well as generating least of the emissions. The Cylinder Deactivation (CDA) system is a concept that can be used in internal combustion engines to improving fuel consumption by reducing pumping losses at part load engine conditions. This modification effect the efficiency and fuel economy in different operating condition of vehicle. Also the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) is used to gain higher fuel economy in different speeds by shifting the engine operating points toward optimal operation range. This paper outlines the simulation results of applying CDA and CVT systems on a concept vehicle and comparison with Toyota Prius 2004 hybrid vehicle in an urban test cycle.



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