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Mahmoud Kazemi

محمود کاظمی
نیاز سنجی و الویت بندی نیازهای آموزشی شهروندان شهر مشهد  
Assessment and prioritization of educational needs of citizens in Mashhad 

This study aimed to investigate and identify the training needs of citizens in Mashhad and prioritize them in order to design and develop training programs have citizenship. Based on this assessment models and techniques, the Delphi technique was used for the needs assessment.Survey of all experts, cultural, social and educational organizations and institutions in the city of Mashhad, among which 110 subjects were selected for participation in the needs assessment plan. At the beginning of an open questionnaire to collect information - Answer a few questions and later closed - Answers to identify and prioritize the educational needs of the citizens of Mashhad were used. Based on analysis of data collected from 40 major training needs were identified and prioritized scheduling. Keywords: training needs assessment, training needs, priorities in education, citizenship education, Mashhad.



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