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Hassan Shayani-jam

Hasan Shayani-Jam and Davood Nematollahi
Electrochemically mediated oxidation of glutathione and N-acetylcysteine with 4,4’-biphenol

The electrochemical oxidation of 4,4-biphenol was studied at a glassy carbon electrode in the presence of glutathione and N-acetylcysteine, using cyclic voltammetry as a diagnostic technique. The results indicate a complicated catalytic system. The catalytic current depends on the concentration of glutathione (or N-acetylcysteine) and solution’s pH. In this work a unique kinetic zone diagram for catalytic behavior of 4,4-biphenol in the presence of glutathione is constructed using the variables “excess factor” ( = C0 GSH/C0 B ) and “kinetic parameter” ( = pH/v). This paper also describes the elucidation of second order homogeneous catalytic reaction (EC) of 4,4-biphenol with glutathione and N-acetylcysteine. In addition, the observed homogeneous rate constant of catalytic reaction of electrochemically generated 4,4-diphenoquinone with glutathione (or N-acetylcysteine) was investigated using digital simulation method



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