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Jafar Ghazanfarian

Masood Moghaddam, Jafar Ghazanfarian, Abbas Abbassi
Implementation of DPL-DD model for the simulation of nanoscale MOS devices

This paper investigates electro-thermal aspects of high-k material as well as SOI technology in the nano-scale n-MOSFET by the numerical simulation of dual-phase-lag (DPL) heat conduction model under the effect of self-heating phenomenon. Three types of MOS devices including bulk, SOI, and high-k MOSFETs are considered. All of the electro-thermal parameters are considered temperature-dependent and three solution scheme including drift-diffusion (DD), hydrodynamic (HD) models, and the Monte Carlo (MC) method are compared. Consequently, the DPL-DD model is detected suitable to model the device with 100 nm gate length and Kn=3. The reason lies on low computational cost and high ability of the DPL-DD model to combine the advantages of the DPL-based thermal equation with the semiconductor equations to model the nanoscale phonon transport in the transistor. The temperature-jump boundary condition is applied on all boundaries to consider the boundary phonon scattering phenomenon. The output characteristics along with the temperature field are presented and the effect of using high-k material on the electro-thermal behavior of the transistor has been investigated. It is found that by changing the high-k gate dielectric material, the hotspot temperature decreases and consequently the thermal performance of the device increases. 



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