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Vahid Rashtchi

Vahid Rashtchi;  Mohsecn. Nourazar
FPGA Implementation of a Real-Time Weak Signal Detector Using a Duffing Oscillator
پیاده سازی تشخیص به هنگام سیگنالهای ضعیف با اسیلاتور های آشوبناک با استفاده از FPGA

This paper presents an implementation of a weak signal detector using a Duffing oscillator on field programmable arrays (FPGAs) for the real-time detection of weak signals in noisy environments. The proposed implementation has combined the efficiency of weak signal detection by chaotic oscillators in noisy environments with the advantages of hardware implementation to achieve an efficient weak signal detector. To optimize the performance versus area, we have used VHDL. A novel state detector, phase trajectory autocorrelation, has been introduced for the state detection of the Duffing oscillator. As an experiment, the Duffing oscillator has been implemented on a Cyclone IV GX FPGA. In this paper, in addition to the structure and resource utilization of the design, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed implementation.



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