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Jafar Ghazanfarian

Armin Ansari, Ehsan Khavasi, Jafar Ghazanfarian
Experimental and SPH Studies of Reciprocal Wet-Bed Dam BreakFlow over Obstacles
بررسی تجربی و عددی جریان شکست سد دوگانه با بستر تر با حضور مانع  

Different permutations of the single and the twofold dam break flow have been investi-gated using the mesh-free smoothed-particle hydrodynamics and the experimental setup.The free-surface deformation in the case with the wet bed for five different downstreamwater heights has been investigated and respective numerical and experimental resultswere presented. The results demonstrate that the increase of the water height over thewet bed leads to the reduction of the flow front velocity. Effect of considering or omit-ting the dam gate during the numerical simulation has also been examined, which provesthat the simulations including the dam gate show improved agreement with the experi-mental results. Influence of the three-dimensional cubic, triangular, circular, and squarecylindrical obstacles and their position on flow characteristics has been investigated. As the distance between the triangular obstacle and the gate increases, a bore is created atthe position closer to the top of the triangle. In addition, it is found that larger force isexerted on the circular cylinder in comparison to the square cylinde



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