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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

محسن احدنژاد روشتی، محمد جواد نوروزی، علی زلفی
مدل‌سازي آسيب‌پذيري شهرها در برابر زلزله با استفاده از سيستم ‌اطلاعات ‌جغرافيايي (نمونه موردي: شهر خرمدره)
The Modeling of Urban Physical vulnerability on earthquake against using GIS (A case study Khoramdareh city)

Today, despite advances in science and technology, human are still various aspects of natural phenomena such as earthquakes. Because human settlements and urban communities, and especially the threat of natural disasters and those that are vulnerable. Given the situation of Iran that located in world earthquake-prone that constantly faced with the phenomenon of earthquakes those always reasonable measures to counteract and minimize the impact of such a catastrophic event occurs. Due to importance of urban earthquake vulnerability assessment in this paper a procedure vulnerability index model based on main and minor structural elements and natural factors in GIS and also using analytical facilities of this system a seismic vulnerability estimate of Khoramdareh city. Also an earthquake scenario presenting in different intensities and finely modeled zonation damage to buildings and human has been performed in Khoramdareh city. The results of this study show that regions 2 of Khoramdareh city and buildings located in this region due to old fabric texture and using Low durable materials in construction and over the life of the buildings have high vulnerability and The region 6, due to use of resistant materials in the construction had a low vulnerability in comparing with other regions.



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