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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

شهريور روستايی ، محسن احدنژاد روشتی ، اکبر اصغری زمانی ، عليرضا زنگنه
 توزيع فضايی فقر شهری در شهر کرمانشاه
Assessment of Urban Poverty Spatial Distribution in Kermanshah City

Introduction: One of characteristic of developing countries is imbalance and extreme focus on urbanization. Therefore, in order to achieve a suitable pattern rational planning is discussed that aims to identify economic social, cultural inequalities and balance different locations in urban areas. In this regard, it is necessary to identify the shortcomings and deficiencies of the blocks in the determined effort to eliminate disparities .   Method: Due to importance of urban poverty spatial distribution analysis, the aim of this paper is to analysis of urban poverty spatial distribution and inequality in census block of Kermanshah city in 2006. Quantitative research methods have been applied in this paper. To measure spatial distribution of poverty in Kermanshah, the census data in 2006, 33 indicators used in the factor analysis methods that have been classified on 4 factors.   Findings: The results have shown that the coefficient of variance of the first factor (Economic - Physical - cultural - social), is 38.95% which is the highest inequality indices, Coefficient between the second factors (economic) and third (economic factors - physical) 32.96 percent compared with the other indicators are more homogeneous fourth factor (physical) as well as the inequality index - with 38.81 percent is ranked in second. With integration of 4 factors together, these results were obtained: 1687 blocks, or 21% percent very poor, 1744 Block or 22% percent poor, 2392 blocks or 29% average, 1653 block or 20% affluent, 612 blocks or 8 percent percentages are very affluent. Results: The results show that there are disparities between the blocks in Kermanshah, where crystallization of social, Economic, Cultural, physical distinctions have been seen, additionally, unequal economical, social and cultural opportunities between residents of Kermanshah were found. Keywords: Kermanshah, Poverty, Spatial Distribution,



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