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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

محسن احدنژاد روشتي ، حيدر صالحي ميشاني ، ليلا وثوقي راد ، سيد احمد حسيني
نقش ارکان اصلی شهر ایرانی اسلامی در مکان گزینی مراکز اقامتی(نمونه موردی: شهر زنجان)
The Role of Iranian Islamic city Main elements in Allocated Place of Residence Centers (A case Study Zanjan City)

Today tourism industry in the world is one of the major sources of income and cultural exchanges between countries and as a largest service industry in the world is a very special place to bring about dramatic changes in the landscape with the political, economy, culture situation that will be change manners and way of life. Meanwhile one of the main elements in development of this industry is residential centers. Accordingly, the aim of this study is investigate the role of the main pillars of the Islamic Iranian city in allocating of residential centers. Analytical research method has been applied in this study. In order to classify and analyze the data ANP, nearest neighbor, geographically weighted regression, Moran and network analyst models has been used in this paper. For data analysis ARC/GIS and Super Decisions software’s has been used. The results showed that 82 percent of the residential elements in the past have been located on 5 minutes away from having the basic elements of the city, but this reached to 68 percent in recent years. This eccentricity in recent years in most Iranian cities, and even the world can be seen from the center of the repulsive and attractive factors in the margin of their cities, so the assessment of experts, determined that influence of Zanjan in public spending by a factor 0.48 and the index price of land as the most influence in selecting the location of 0.49 sub-criteria weight residential centers have been constructed.



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