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بهروز محمدي يگانه، جمشيد عينالي، مهدي چراغي و فرزانه فريحي
تحلیلی بر موانع اقتصادی- اجتماعی مشارکت روستائیان در فرایند مدیریت روستایی، مطالعه موردی: دهستان لیشتر، شهرستان گچساران
Economic analysis of barriers - social participation of rural in the management process, Case Study: county lishter, Gachsaran  county

Nowadays, participation, as part of the critical elements contributing to the achievement of development and rural development have been identified   and various government programs to increase the participation of villagers will come into force. but basic problem is that in our rural areas, the level of participation of villagers in rural management process is low Because the ineffectiveness of the planning system in rural country has local and micro level. The question raised in this context is the biggest obstacle to economic and social Which factor is the lack of participation of villagers in rural management process This research has been developed in response to this question. Descriptive research methods - the analytical and field data collection library (interviews and questionnaires) The analysis of descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Single-sample t test, Chi, linear regression and Tukey test) was used. The results show, the level of participation of villagers in rural management process is not in good condition Personal characteristics and level of development between rural villages and the level of participation had a significant relationship, Low-income rural people and the authorities view as a major obstacle to the participation of villagers in rural management process was iden.



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