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جمشيد عينالي و نسرين جعفري
مدیریت سانحه زلزله در مناطق روستایی با تاکید بر مشارکت روستاییان، مطالعه موردی: دهستان خرارود- شهرستان خدابنده
Earthquake Disaster Management in Rural Areas with Emphasis on the Residents Participation. Case Study: Khararod County- Khodabandeh Township

One of the main challenges faced by rural communities, the occurrence of natural disasters, especially earthquake. According to the close relationship between rural settlements and their geographical environment surrounding has led to extensive Fiscal damage and loss of lives in them. Regarding the establishment of a large part of our country on the seismic belt of Alpine – Himalayan and existence multiple faults in the physical context of the settlements relatively vulnerability of Iran is higher. Thus, a major earthquake and disaster management strategies that can reduce the effects of ¬ which is used to engage the villagers. The aim of this study was to investigate the participation of the residents in the three stages of disaster management, earthquake (before, during and after) in rural areas is studied. For achieving the goals of the investigation we have used documental and field methods with emphasis on the questionnaire to 146 people in the head of the rural households in 14 villages. After collecting data we have used SPSS software (one sample t test and Factor Analysis Methods) for data analysis. Our results show that the participation rate of the population in the lowest economic and institutional factors have. Factor analysis also showed the lowest variance retrofit housing (5.91) and the economic and environmental factors (13.32) have the highest variance point of view of rural residents.



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