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جمشيد عينالي، احمد رومياني و محمدكاظم جمشيدي
اولويت‌بندي مناطق نمونه گردشگري استان زنجان در راستاي توسعه منطقه‌اي
Prioritizing the tourist attractions in Zanjan province with using Topsis model

Tourism development as one of the most important strategies for sustainable development planning.  Today it's one of the most advanced business activity and industry in developing and effective tools to increase income in countries are at different levels. Therefore, in our country in recent decade Sample Tourist Regions in the province level with the goal of regional development has been considered. The purpose of this study was to prioritizing the sample tourist regions in the Zanjan province according to the criteria approved by the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism organization to suitable Approach to planning for tourism development and to create better facilities and proper role in regional development is presented. The Methods of used in this study Analytical - descriptive and field study, Theoretical study of the methods used to collect data to track and finally, using VIKOR model to rank and prioritize the areas to be determined.



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