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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

محسن احدنژاد  ، لیلا احمدی ، اصغر شامی  و تقی حیدری
بررسی روند توسعه درونی شهری با تاکید بر تغییرات تراکم و کاربری اراضی ،نمونه موردی بافت فرسوده شمالی شهر زنجان(1388-1375)
study on the process of brownfield redevelopment with an emphasize on the change in density and  land uses; case study: the old Fabric texture’s north of  Zanjan (1996-2009)

In recent decades, in order to confront with the sporadic development of cities as well as to revitalize the old textures of the city centers, the city managers have turned their attentions towards these parts of the cities. These recursive or Brownfield redevelopments make the cities closer to a stable development process. Developing city centers, demands a significant change especially in the density and land use. In general, the density and land use changes reflects a clear picture of the city. In this research work, by investigating the changes in these two indices, the process of brownfield redevelopment of a part of old texture’s north in Zanjan is studied. The time period for this study is 1996-2009.To this goal some basic data on land use changes and the issued construction licenses have been used.Using an analytical model(crosstab)to evaluate the step-by-step changes, the results indicate that the resulting city conditions reasonably coincide with indices of the Brownfield redevelopment. Due to some obstacles and problems, however, these developments have occurred under a slow pace in the mentioned part of the city.



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