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Saleh Mobayen

Mobayen, S., Tchier, F.
A new LMI-based robust finite-time sliding mode control strategy for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems
یک استراتژی کنترل مد لغزشی زمان محدود مقاوم جدید بر مبنای LMI برای دسته ای از سامانه های غیرخطی نامعین

This paper presents a novel sliding mode controller for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems . Based on Lyapunov stability theorem an d linear matrix inequality technique, a sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the global asymptotical s tability of the error dynamics and a linear sliding surface is existed depending on state errors. A new reaching control law is designed to satisfy the presence of the sliding mode around the linear surface in the finite time , and its parameters are obtained in the f orm of LMI . This proposed method is utilized to ach ieve a controller capable of drawing the states onto the switching surface and sustain the switching motion. The advantage of the suggested technique is that the control scheme is independent of the order of systems model and then, it is fairly simple. The refore, there is no complexity in the utilization of this scheme. Simulation results are provided to illustrate t he eff ectiveness of the proposed scheme .



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